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You can write a lot on the cheapness of the services and not provide them. The Parity "Price - Quality" in "Amal group" is very balanced.

Contact us

+996 312 590005

+996 552 590005

Skype: amalgroup



The price of our services

The final cost of our services for freight and other logistics services such as cargo customs clearance and cargo operations will depend on the complexity of each order individually. When evaluating our work we consider the following elements to calculate the final cost of services:

  • the volume, weight and size of objects and furniture;
  • amount of property subject to disassembly and assembly;
    • number of floors, presence and type of elevator;
    • type of packaging material and its consumption;
    • transport distance;
    • вид транспорта;
    • in the case of heavy or bulky items (rigging) the use of special tools and equipment;
    • the possibility of close approaches to the load machine;
    • work hours: weekends or holidays, day or night;
    • etc.


All details will inform you, our specialist. If necessary, our specialist can come to you for evaluation and consultation of your journey, whose services are free.